indicate the beginning of acne. So get your blackheads removed and you can cut the problem at its roots. A simple remedy to dislodge blackheads is application of cooking soda mixed with a few drops of water on the infected area. This melts the hardened oil and the blackheads disappear. But do not expect instant results. You have to continue usage for atleast a week to 10 days to notice the results.
There are a wide range of face masks that claim to have pore-shrinking qualities. Herbal po
wders when mixed with honey, egg-white and yogurt are known to be very effective pore shrinking agents. Alternate use of hot and cold water on the skin is said to reduce pore enlargement, although there has been a lot of speculation with this theory
You can control the spread of infection by taking good care of your skin and eating proper food. Once your face is cleared of acne, you can scrub your face with gentle scrubs. These scrubs help in deep cleansing the skin and prevent oil deposition. Avoid the use of oil based creams and make up.
Make sure that you go to a good specialist who will give you the right guidance in dealing with acne. Follow instructions to the letter. There are a lot of myths attached to acne. So, just don't follow any remedy anyone suggests. Improper treatments will leave scars that will be difficult to remove. You may have to go for chemical peeling, microdermabrassion of laser treatment, which are pretty expensive. So, opt for the right treatment and you can save a lot of trouble.
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