Acne Scar treatment - Herbal Acne scar treatment- Acne Herbal remedies-Acne skin treatment-
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Friday, March 11, 2011
Home Made Face Masks for Acne Prone Skin- How to protect Your Face from Pimples
Home Made Face Masks for Acne Prone Skin
Face masks are excellent for deep cleansing and nourishing the skin. Some face masks are used as exfoliating agents. Clay works as a good dirt and sebum extractor on the skin. It pulls and logged oil and dirt.
Some very effective face masks, which work well on problematic skins prone to acne are suggested below. These are natural products that can be found at home. So, they are cost effective besides being skin friendly and without side effects.
Cleansing masks
1. Add one teaspoon of lemon juice to stiffly beaten egg white and yoghurt. Apply thickly on the face and neck. Leave it on for 20 minutes and wipe off using wet cotton. Before applying the mask, wipe face with hot water.
2. Oatmeal and cucumber juice, mixed in equal proportions make a very good cleansing mask for oily skin. Oatmeal extracts and absorbs excess oil while cucumber juice cools the skin and reduces the irritation caused by acne.
face mask for acne,
protect face from acne
Acne Rosacea- How does it differ from Acne and Pimples ?
A definition of acne rosacea.
Rosacea is a chronic hyperemic or inflammatory diseases, limited to face, especially on the nose and cheeks, characterized by redness, extension and expansion of blood vessels, more or less like acne and hypertrophy.
Describe the symptoms of acne rosacea.
The disease may be small or well-marked. Redness, capillary dilation, are the symptoms. Moderate infection is a simple redness or hyperemia, of nose, and will be treated as passive congestion, it is not uncommon in young people often associated with fatty seborrh . In many cases, the condition does not progress beyond that stage. In other cases, however, sooner or later, dilated capillaries were constantly renewed and acne are often present - As far as the middle stage or extent of the disease, it is the type most frequently met with.further hypertrophy of blood vessels results in glands enlarged
What are the subjective symptoms of acne rosacea?
As a rule, there is no such subjective symptoms. Some of the acne can be tender and painful, and sometimes a sense of burning is observed.
Rosacea is a chronic hyperemic or inflammatory diseases, limited to face, especially on the nose and cheeks, characterized by redness, extension and expansion of blood vessels, more or less like acne and hypertrophy.
Describe the symptoms of acne rosacea.
The disease may be small or well-marked. Redness, capillary dilation, are the symptoms. Moderate infection is a simple redness or hyperemia, of nose, and will be treated as passive congestion, it is not uncommon in young people often associated with fatty seborrh . In many cases, the condition does not progress beyond that stage. In other cases, however, sooner or later, dilated capillaries were constantly renewed and acne are often present - As far as the middle stage or extent of the disease, it is the type most frequently met with.further hypertrophy of blood vessels results in glands enlarged
What are the subjective symptoms of acne rosacea?
As a rule, there is no such subjective symptoms. Some of the acne can be tender and painful, and sometimes a sense of burning is observed.
How to get rid of Pimples and Acne permanently- What you could do
How to get rid of Pimples and Acne permanently- What you could do ?
Whiteheads, cysts, pimples, pustules and blackheads are prominent acne conditions. Blackheads cna be removed by professional beauty experts in the correct way. Wrong procedue of extracting blackheads will cause skin damage. Whiteheads should not be removed forcibly as it aggravates the condition. There are other methods which are used to dissolve the whiteheads. A skin expert will be able to help you best. Pimples and pustules should not be opened. You can apply medicated creams and ointments after cleansing so that the infection is cured. Breaking pimples open by pinching or rigorous rubbing will cause the infection to spread.
before moving on to the subject "How to get rid of Pimples and Acne permanently- What you could do " let us see the reasons for the pimples.Hyperactivity of sebaceous glands is caused due to many reasons. One of the main factors is hormonal imbalance. This is why acne is visible mostly during adolescence and puberty when the body undergoes several hormonal changes. The same applies to menopausal women. Acne can also be caused by too much stress, heredity, and pollution.
Diet plays an important role in controlling the oil gland activity. Reducing intake of carbohydrates and fatty foods including sugars helps control the oil gland activity. A balanced diet is of prime importance. So is undisturbed sleep. These are the core principles of how to get rid of Pimples and Acne permanently
People with acne and a scarred face usually go through a lot of emotional trauma. Everyone loves a clean and clear face. Teenagers, especially, tend to get depressed following an outbreak of acne. It is important to understand that acne is a treatable condition. Proper care, good skin hygiene, lots of fluid intake, physical exercise and a healthy diet goes a long way in keeping the dreaded acne away.
acne get rid of,
pimples cure
Thursday, March 10, 2011
Why Do You Get Repeated Acne ? Ho does acne is formed?
How Does Acne Form
Human skin is a complex multilayered organ. Glands that secrete oil or sebum are called sebaceous glands and are a part of the skin. Irregular functioning of this gland is the main culprit behind the formation of acne.
When the sebaceous glands produce too much oil, the oil comes to the surface of the skin and gets deposited in the oil sacs. Continuous secretion of oil saturates these sacks, which expand to accommodate the excess oil. Ultimately, it becomes too much for the oil to contain and they open up. This leads to pore enlargement, a common characteristic for people with oily skin.
Oil or sebum, which deposits on the surface of the skin gradually thickens and hardens. When this is exposed to air, it undergoes oxidation and becomes black. Thus form unsightly black dots on the face are what you call nlackheads. Blackheads are the first step in the formation of acne. These tiny blackheads, if left unattended for a long time, get infected and this leads to inflammation of the surrounding areas. The swollen irritants on the skin lead to
pimple formation and finally acne. Acne, therefore, can be defined as the final result of the over activity of the sebaceous glands in the skin. Usually, acne develops on the face. For some people, it spreads to the neck, back, shoulders and upper arms. These pus filled inflammations on the skin are painful. Some people experience an extreme outbreak of painful acne all over the face, this conditin is called acne vulgaris. It has to be treated immediately as it carries the risk of turing septic.
acne reasons
Types of Treatment for Acne- Common Precautions
What treatment measures are usually needed for acne?
Treatment of Constitutional and local measures, the latter with more impetus as always.
How the constitutional treatment is based
according to indications. Diet and health measures are vital. In Indigestion and constipation, bitter tonic, alkali, acid, pepsin, in Salt and herbal laxatives, etc are given separately. Chlorotic and anæmic cases of glandular preparations Benefits. Fish oil is often an instrument of great importance, and Particularly useful in the strumous and impaired subjects.In some cases, more especially in a dull grainy acne, arsenic, especially sulfide Arsenic, acts favorably. In general, treatment of the line of the gastrointestinal canall is most successful.
State the nature of the topical treatment of acne.
It must differ with local conditions. In cases where intense Character, clearly lost in the sense that hyperemic, Tender and painful, a soothing remedy to be applied. in exceptional cases Treatment must be provided casual affairs. As a rule, however, stimulating applications can be used from the beginning.
Treatment, for obvious reasons, is most convenient to apply Before bed.
What preliminary measures are to be advised in normal cases of acne?
Gently or vigorously wash, according to the irritability of Skin with soap and warm water, then rinsing and wiping for several minutes with hot water and thereafter drying with a soft towel are sugested; In mild and non-irritable cases sapo viridis or its tincture may often be advantageously applied in lieu of the ordinary toilet soap.
Treatment of Constitutional and local measures, the latter with more impetus as always.
How the constitutional treatment is based
according to indications. Diet and health measures are vital. In Indigestion and constipation, bitter tonic, alkali, acid, pepsin, in Salt and herbal laxatives, etc are given separately. Chlorotic and anæmic cases of glandular preparations Benefits. Fish oil is often an instrument of great importance, and Particularly useful in the strumous and impaired subjects.In some cases, more especially in a dull grainy acne, arsenic, especially sulfide Arsenic, acts favorably. In general, treatment of the line of the gastrointestinal canall is most successful.
State the nature of the topical treatment of acne.
It must differ with local conditions. In cases where intense Character, clearly lost in the sense that hyperemic, Tender and painful, a soothing remedy to be applied. in exceptional cases Treatment must be provided casual affairs. As a rule, however, stimulating applications can be used from the beginning.
Treatment, for obvious reasons, is most convenient to apply Before bed.
What preliminary measures are to be advised in normal cases of acne?
Gently or vigorously wash, according to the irritability of Skin with soap and warm water, then rinsing and wiping for several minutes with hot water and thereafter drying with a soft towel are sugested; In mild and non-irritable cases sapo viridis or its tincture may often be advantageously applied in lieu of the ordinary toilet soap.
acne cure,
acne treatment
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
Acne During Pregnancy-How to Cure Acne during Pregnancy
Hormones act on your complexion fast during pregnancy. A clear skin could become ugly with pimples, blackheads, etc. all over the face. On the other hand, a face with blackheads, pimples, etc prior to pregnancy, might become clean and beautiful. If pimples, blackheads, etc. appear, do not pick, scratch squeeze, or pop them.
We give below a few handy tips to improve the situation. However condition persists, talk to your doctor.
Acne Prevention
- Wash your face twice daily with a mild detergent. Exfoliate scrub but not the skin.
- Exercise to reduce stress, improves blood circulation and lack of oxygen penetration into the skin
- Do not squeeze, pop, scratch or pick at your pimples as it can spread the infection.
- Drink plenty of water daily to help to detoxify the body from within.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and keep drinking plenty of water that help a healthy skin. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates
Acne Prevention
- Wash your face twice daily with a mild detergent. Exfoliate scrub but not the skin.
- Exercise to reduce stress, improves blood circulation and lack of oxygen penetration into the skin
- Do not squeeze, pop, scratch or pick at your pimples as it can spread the infection.
- Drink plenty of water daily to help to detoxify the body from within.
- Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and keep drinking plenty of water that help a healthy skin. Avoid sugar and refined carbohydrates
acne pregnancy
Acne causes,prevention and remedies
Explain the immediate or direct cause of acne lesions.
Hyper secretion or retention of sebum are the major reasons. Recent studies
indicate the possibility of a special wall for an exciting cause,in some cases at least. Pyogenic cocci are added factors in pustular and furuncular cases.
indirect or predisposing causes of acne.
Eating disorders, constipation, menstrual irregularities
,chlorosis, general weakness, lack of tone in the muscle fibers skin scrofulosis and drugs such as iodides and bromides resin internally and externally.
Working in a dusty environment often influential, as a result of a block of iron channels. Working in paraffin oil or other cooking oil are often causes of acne.
The disease is more common in people with light skin.
Hyper secretion or retention of sebum are the major reasons. Recent studies
indicate the possibility of a special wall for an exciting cause,in some cases at least. Pyogenic cocci are added factors in pustular and furuncular cases.
indirect or predisposing causes of acne.
Eating disorders, constipation, menstrual irregularities
Working in a dusty environment often influential, as a result of a block of iron channels. Working in paraffin oil or other cooking oil are often causes of acne.
The disease is more common in people with light skin.
acne during pregnancy,
acne lesions
How to Avoid Acne- Things You Need to Avoid not to Aggrevate Acne
1. If you have pimples and acne,
never go in for facial massages. While massaging, the infection will spread from one area to the entire face. You will notice new eruptions of acne. Instead of a facial, take acne treatment. Once your acne vanishes and your face is clear, you can have facials. However, be careful about the creams being used. Oil based creams are a strict no-no.
2. Don't take hot steam treatment on the face. Oily skin is prone to pore enlargement. Steaming will enlarge the pores further. Also hot steam activates the sebaceous gland activity. This will lead to more secretion of sebum and you will end up with more acne than before. In fact, steaming is bad for all types of skin. It makes dry skin drier and oily skin more oily, a fact many forget while treating the acne.
avoiding acne,
tips for acne cure
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
FAQ on Acne- All you Wanted to Know about Acne -Part-1
What is acne artificialis?
Acne artificialis is a term applied to an acne or acne-like eruption produced by the ingestion of definite drugs, as the bromides and iodides, and by the outside use of tar; this is also called _tar acne_. Fundamentally chronic. The individual lesions usually run their coursework in several days or one or four weeks, but new lesions continue to appear from time to time, and the disease thus persists, with more or less variation, for months or years. In lots of cases there is, toward the age of twenty-five or thirty, a twisted to spontaneous disappearance of the disease.
What coursework does acne pursue? Is the eruption in acne usually ample?
Does the eruption in acne disappear without leaving a trace?
It varies in different cases and at different periods in the same case. In some instances, not over three or ten papules and pustules are present at one time; in others they may be numerous. Not infrequently several lesions make their appearance, gradually run their coursework, and the face continues free for days or one or four weeks. In lots of instances no permanent trace remains, but in others slight or conspicuous scarring is left to mark the site of the lesions.
Are there any subjective signs in acne?
Not as a rule. But markedly inflammatory lesions are painful.
Acne artificialis is a term applied to an acne or acne-like eruption produced by the ingestion of definite drugs, as the bromides and iodides, and by the outside use of tar; this is also called _tar acne_. Fundamentally chronic. The individual lesions usually run their coursework in several days or one or four weeks, but new lesions continue to appear from time to time, and the disease thus persists, with more or less variation, for months or years. In lots of cases there is, toward the age of twenty-five or thirty, a twisted to spontaneous disappearance of the disease.
What coursework does acne pursue? Is the eruption in acne usually ample?
Does the eruption in acne disappear without leaving a trace?
It varies in different cases and at different periods in the same case. In some instances, not over three or ten papules and pustules are present at one time; in others they may be numerous. Not infrequently several lesions make their appearance, gradually run their coursework, and the face continues free for days or one or four weeks. In lots of instances no permanent trace remains, but in others slight or conspicuous scarring is left to mark the site of the lesions.
Are there any subjective signs in acne?
Not as a rule. But markedly inflammatory lesions are painful.
acne questions
How to Treat Acne Properly and Care Acne Prone Skin
How to Treat Acne
Properly and Care for Acne Prone Skin
There are basically four types of skins - normal, dry, oily and combination skins. While dry and normal skins are less prone to acne, it is oily skin that bears the brunt of acne in most cases. The treatment of acne starts from the care for the skin.
Oily skin has its plus points. It ages very slowly. Wrinkles develop very gradually. The major drawbacks of oily skin are enlarged pores, acne, pimples, blackheads and whiteheads. But with proper care, you can make your oily skin glowing and beautiful.
1. The basic care for oily skin
is deep cleansing. It is not enough to just remove dirt logged in the pores. You should get rid of the oil or sebum as well. Use medicated face washes.
acne cure,
treatment of acne
Monday, March 7, 2011
FAQ on Acne- Everything You Need to Know About Acne
Define acne.
Acne could be defined as an inflammatory, mostly a chronic, disease of the sebaceous glands, in the form of papules, tubercles, or pustules, or even a mixture of these lesions, and usually appeared on the face.
At what age does acne usually occur?
Between the ages of fifteen and thirty, at which time the glandular
structures are naturally more or less active.
Describe thesymptoms of acne
Irregularly scattered over the face, and in some cases also over the neck, shoulders and upper part of the trunk, are to be seen several,fifty or more, pin-head- to pea-sized papules, tubercles or pustules;commonly the eruption is of a mixed type (_acne vulgaris_), the severalkinds of lesions in all stages of evolution and subsidence presenting inthe single case. Interspersed may generally be seen blackheads, or
FAQ on acne treatment
How to Treat Acne Effectively-Home Acne Treatment
indicate the beginning of acne. So get your blackheads removed and you can cut the problem at its roots. A simple remedy to dislodge blackheads is application of cooking soda mixed with a few drops of water on the infected area. This melts the hardened oil and the blackheads disappear. But do not expect instant results. You have to continue usage for atleast a week to 10 days to notice the results.
There are a wide range of face masks that claim to have pore-shrinking qualities. Herbal po
wders when mixed with honey, egg-white and yogurt are known to be very effective pore shrinking agents. Alternate use of hot and cold water on the skin is said to reduce pore enlargement, although there has been a lot of speculation with this theory
acne treatment herbal,
home acne remedies
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Acne Quick Remedies-How to Treat Acne Quickly
Acne is caused due to overactivity of the oil secreting sabeceous glands. The reasons for eruption of acne has to be understood in order to treat it. If your acne is a result of hormonal imbalance, then you should consult an endochronologist. Once your hormonal activity comes back to normal, your acne will recede. If hormonal changes are triggered due to natural growth process, then acne will stop once the hormones activity stabilize. Teenagers need not get worked up because of acne problem.
However, if your battle with acne is perpetual, then you need treatment. Your treatment should involve the following functions
3. Dislodge blackheads
4. Reduce pore enlargement
5. Control the spread of infection
quick acne remedies
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Types of Acne -Acne Treatments and Remedies
Types of Acne –Acne treatment
and remedies
Acne are small eruptions on the skin caused by hyperactivity of sebaceous glands. Acne are of different types. They can be classified according to their severity as mild acne, moderate acne and severe acne. While blackheads
and blackheads are mild form of acne. Pimples, pustules and papules are moderate acne while nodes and cysts are acne vulgaris, which is severe acne. When acne is even more severe than acne vulgaris, it is called Acne Conglobata , Acne Fulminans, Gram-Negative Folliculitis and Pyoderma Faciale (Rosacea Fulminans)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Acne Diets- Best Treatment for Acne
The Right Diet for Acne Prone Skin
To control acne, eating the right kind of diet
is very important. Face masks and beauty treatments are only skin deep. Though they are effective, without a proper diet, they will not work in the long run. Diet provides nourishment from inside and helps control acne.
What to eat
Vitamin A intake is a very effective way of keeping acne under check. This vitamin is also called the "beauty vitamin" due to its multifarious benefits to the skin. It is found in pineapple, mango, strawberries, green leafy vegetables, carrot, tomatoes, milk and milk products, fish and eggs. Although there are vitamin capsules
available in the market, eating natural foods rich in this vitamin will help you in a much better way. However, over intake of this vitamin causes too much dryness of the skin and is injurious to the bones,
Vitamins B, C, D
and B complex also help in controlling acne. These are found in fresh fruits and vegetables, diary products and poultry. Eating adequate amounts of vitamin rich food is the best you can do to control acne.
acne diet and treatment,
acne herbal plans
Home Remedies For Treatment of Acne- Natural Acne treatments
Natural Home Remedies for Treatment of Acne
Your kitchen and your garden can be your best friends in your battle against acne. There are so many age old remedies, which have been handed down generations that really help in controlling the aggravation and spread of acne.
There are many astringents available in your kitchen which can help you keep greasiness off your face. Mint juice, juice of fresh neem leaves and lemon juice are very good astringents. All you have to do is dip a ball of cotton wool in any one of these juices and wipe your face twice everyday. These juices contain antiseptic properties that prevent the spread of infected acne and pimples. They also cleanse the skin and remove dirt from the pores.
acne home remedies
Acne Myths and Facts - What Causes Acne ?
Acne Myths Busted
Acne is a common skin infection which hits almost everybody at some point in their lives. Since it affects the face and makes it scarred and blemished, people try all sorts of remedies to get rid of the dreaded acne. However, not all these remedies work. There are a lot of myths associated with acne. The most common among them are discussed here.
1. Washing face very frequently will get rid of acne: The most common mistake that people commit in handling acne is washing face too frequently, owing to the myth that frequent washing gets rid of acne. It is true that washing face regularly reduces acne since it clears lodged dirt and oil from the skin. But "regular" should be confined to twice or thrice a day. Too frequent washing makes face dry and patchy. Some amount of oil and moisture is necessary for the skin to maintain elasticity. Loss of elasticity leads to sagging skin and wrinkles. So, cleansing acne prone skin is very essential but overdoing it causes harm to the skin
Acne facts,
Acne remedies,
Herbal acne remedies
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